About Us
Raytown High School's first graduating class was the class of 1907, composed of 12 graduates who had come from many rural school districts which had consolidated to become the Raytown C-2 School district in 1903. The school has expanded and been remodeled several times throughout the years. During the 1954-1955 school year, the school was so crowded that classes were held under the stadium, at the nearby bus barn, and in the cafeteria. Today, Raytown High School is known for outstanding academics and extracurricular programs.
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Check out our PeachJar! Raytown High School uses PeachJar as a way to distribute flyers to our families.
The Raytown C-2 School District uses Peachjar, a free online service for schools, to post approved efliers so that they are accessible to parents, staff and students as wanted/needed. Click here to learn more about Peachjar.
Dr. Andrew McCarthy
Dr. T'Neisha Love
Assistant Principal
Shannon Elijah
Assistant Principal
Robert Johnson
Assistant Principal/ Activity Director
Kara King
Assistant Principal
Wendy DiGirolamo
Principal's Secretary
Lotta Sydanmaa
Activities Secretary
Toni Lindley
Attendance Secretary
Kristina Young
Front Office Secretary
Erin Hudgens
Becky Fulford
Student Services Secretary
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
7:15 a.m. - 2:20 p.m.
Wed. Early Release Schedule
7:15 a.m. - 12:55 p.m.
Half Day (Early Dismissal) Schedule
7:15-10:35 a.m. - No Lunch Served.