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ACT Information

American College Test (ACT)

The ACT is an exam used by many.S colleges and universities to make admissions decisions. The ACT can help colleges/universities determine if a student is ready for college level coursework. Schools consider your GPA, transcript, letters of recommendation, personal essay, resume, as well as the ACT in making a decision for acceptance. 

What If:

  • I’m going to a community college: Your ACT score can be used to determine which community college classes you will take. Most community colleges require students to take placement exams such as the Accuplacer to determine the English and math classes students will take. Qualifying ACT scores can help bypass other placement exams.
  • I don’t plan to go to college at all: Even if you’re not considering college immediately after high school, many people decide to attend later in life. Your ACT score can be used for up to 5 years!

What to Expect on Test Day

Test Day Information:

  • Plan to arrive to your testing center on time. Students arriving late will not be allowed to test.
  • Limit the items you bring into the testing center. Click HERE to view Prohibited Items
  • No food or drink will be allowed in the testing room.
  • Power your cellphone, smart watch or other decives OFF. If a phone rings (alarm goes off, text notification, ect.), you will be dismissed from the exam. Your score will not be reported!
  • Bring pencils and calculators. Click HERE for ACT Calculator Policy
  • If you use the restroom during a test, your time does not stop! There will be a brief break between Test 2 and 3.
  • You will not be allowed to use cell phones or any electronic devices during the break.

Why should I take the ACT?

How to Register for the ACT

ACT Tips & Strategies

ACT Practice Test