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Advanced Course & Programs

Weighted and Dual-Credit Course Offerings

To assist students in making a smooth transition from high school to college, the Raytown School District has several courses in which students may receive college credit while taking the course in high school. College tuition and fees may apply. Every university has specific requirements for eligibility to enroll in Dual Credit courses.

Many of the courses offered below are offered for dual or AP credit. Most of these courses have prerequisites. Please contact your assigned school counselor if you are interested in taking weighted or dual-credit courses.

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Advanced Placement Courses


AP Logo


Students may also earn Advanced Placement credit in Calculus, Statistics, Biology, Studio Art, and Music Theory. Colleges and universities may give credit in these courses based on scores earned on nationally administered examinations. College Board sets the fees for all AP exams. For more information about the AP exams and fees visit

See your counselor for more information.

Seal of Biliteracy


Mo Seal


Students who demonstrate strong proficiency in English and a second language, and who use these languages to support others, may earn the Missouri Seal of Biliteracy upon graduation. This program is open to all students, including those taking Foreign Language courses and ELD courses. Students prove English proficiency through the English II EOC, ACT Reading test, or WIDA ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 and second language proficiency through the AAPPL test. Recipients of this award may earn 6 to 14 college credits in the second language at one of several Missouri universities. For more information, see your foreign language or ELD teacher.